in the city

The meeting with Ortialti and the Mirafiori Community Foundation and the opening of the documentation space with the pictures by Luís Aniceto to launch the 2022 Urban Lab program of activities

31mar 2022




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cliamate crisis, the EU 2030 Agenda, the EU Green Deal. The environmental emergency is evident, the issue is on top of political agendas and receives major attention from experts, scholars, youth movements and mass media. Torino itself is facing fine dust, heath waves and risk of floods. Nevertheless, it also takes advantage of extraordinary, extended and diversified natural and landscape resources. They are parks, home gardens, woods, rivers, natural reserves, tree-lined avenues, urban gardens and cultivated fields.

Through pictures, maps, videos, technical and scientific documentation, meetings, walks and educational projects in schools, Urban Lab intends to document and storytell the environmental situation in the city and reflect upon the relationship between Nature and the City.

Thursday 31 March at 5.30pm is the occasion to discover the program of activities for the forthcoming months and visit the new setting up of the space hosting temporary exhibitions on the topic of nature in the city. It covers four perspectives of investigation: vulnerability biodiversity, the right to green the wild as a resource.

The meeting hosts OrtiAlti and the Mirafiori Community Foundation that, through their projects Beeozanam and Spazio WOW, give a picture of Torino between urban forestry and Nature Based Solutions.

The access to the meeting and opening is free, with face mask and a valid Covid-19 vaccine certificate.
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urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

orari di apertura

dal mercoledì al venerdì dalle 14 alle 19
sabato dalle 11 alle 19

ingresso libero

L’ingresso è libero alle mostre e agli eventi

come raggiungere urban lab

Tram: 4
Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50



urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

opening hours

from Wednesday to Friday from 2pm to 7pm Saturday from 11am to 7pm

free entry

Access is free for all exhibitions and events

come to urban lab

Tramway: 4 Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50
