Urban Lab is an independent association set up to tell the transformation of Torino and its metropolitan area. Its purpose is to collect documents, spread knowledge and promote the debate about the city. A place where citizens, experts and economic operators can find information, meet and talk.
Urban Lab addresses the citizens interested in urban transformations, leading them in the discovery of Torino’s area, its architecture, spaces and their uses.
Urban Lab offers experts and insiders the possibility to study policies, urban plans and transformation projects in depth, with a specific focus on local experience and international good practices.
Communication @
European projects @
Organizational secretariat @
Administration and organization @
Cultural projects @
Exhibition space @
Regional development manager @
Local stakeholders management @
Maps @
the architects and planners who make you discover the changing city
Daniele Campobenedetto, Francesco Carota, Elisa Cocimano, Giovanni Comoglio, Alberto Matta, Carlo Alberto Pera
Valentina Campana (Direttore 2017-2022), Paola Virano (Direttore 2014-2016), Carlo Olmo (Direttore 2005-2014), Mario Montalcini (Segretario Generale 2010-2018), Antonio De Rossi (Vice Direttore 2005-2014), Paolo Verri (Organizational Development Coordinator 2005-2010), Andrea Alario, Roberto Albano, Erica Albarello, Paolo Antonelli, Veronica Arato, Alessandro Armando, Marta Bariolo, Luca Begheldo, Chiara Bergeretti, Michele Bonino, Cinzia Calvi, Francesca Camorali, Enrico Carignano, Elena Carmagnani, Enrico Alberto Confienza, Emanuele Contini, Silvio Cristiano, Lucia Carolina De Rienzo, Elena Gibaudo, Federico Guiati, Jessica Jacqueminaz, Stefania Manzo, Antonella Massia, Cecilia Miotto, Giulia Mondino, Sara Soo Mee Brocchi, Stefano Pensa, Lorenzo Pessotto, Maurizia Pignatelli, Emanuela Saporito, Lara Spano, Carlo Spinelli, Paola Tassinari, Matteo Torresin, Stefano Zara, Elena Zirio
Interns and trainees
Jessica Allevato, Cecilia Barbero, Jeanne Bellec, Sofia Beltramo, Chiara Bergeretti, Giulia Bertola, Paola Boscaini, Martina Botto, Francesca Bragaglia, Miriam Brignolo, Carlo Alberto Burdese, Stefania Calamita, Cristina Calleri, Cinzia Calvi, Rita Ciriolo, Michela Dall’Igna, Lorenzo De Caria, Philippine Dufour, Rachele Fassari, Giulia Franchello, Eleonora Frondini, Debora Furnari, Chiara Galioto, Roberta Garnerone, Franck Giraud, Riccardo Giovannini, Eleonora Gualtieri, Cristina Guarino, Fabio Infantino, Helena Khalil, Cristina La Piccirella, Leila Logie, Cristina Materassi, Rocco Meoli, Sveva Meneguz, Mauro Montis, Tommaso Mulatero, Vittoria Nallo, Francesca Palandri, Mariangela Pastorello, Silvia Paulillo, Giulia Pechino, Maurizia Pignatelli, Vanessa Piscione, Chiara Prearo, Giulia Proietti, Martino Punzi, Simona Quagliano, Angelo Romano, Noemi Saltarelli, Luis Sanchez, Riccardo Sarà, Sergio Savasta, Arsid Shega, Elena Sillitti, Laura Sinagra Brisca, Irene Tartaglione, Alessandro Tempia Valenta, Vittoria Tunno, Marta Ugolotti, Rita Ventimiglia, Maddalena Visinoni, Atakan Yilmazer
Urban Lab was set up in September 2005 with the name of Urban Center Metropolitano di Torino, as a result of an agreement between Città di Torino, Compagnia di San Paolo and Associazione Torino Internazionale. According to the indications contained in the second Strategic Plan of Torino, its mission is to become a place where the economic, social and cultural players involved in the process for the city transformation can meet and talk. In 2010 it became an independent association, also from an administrative point of view. In 2018, following the reorganization of the bodies responsible for local development affiliated to the Municipality of Torino, it turned into Urban Lab, thus inheriting some of the tasks accomplished by Associazione Torino Internazionale and Fondazione Smart City.
The network
Urban Lab belongs to a network operating in the main European cities and in the world with different methods. According to the activities performed and the related context, urban centers adapt their actions, ranging from advocacy planning to the city building process, the communication of urban transformation and the promotion of the debate on architecture.
A multimedia installation, a photo exhibition, a meeting point where citizens can know their city. Entry to Urban Lab is free, come and visit us!
Urban Lab can grant the use of its premises to external users.
To rent the rooms and find information on the service use and costs, please contact Urban Lab.
dal mercoledì al venerdì dalle 14 alle 19
sabato dalle 11 alle 19
L’ingresso è libero alle mostre e agli eventi
Tram: 4
Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57
+39 011 553 79 50