Urban Lab, in collaboration with the Order of Architects of Torino, the Foundation for architecture/Torino and IN/Arch Piemonte, developed a new map of contemporary architecture in Torino.
111 architectures were selected to describe how architecture and urban space have been changing in Torino since the mid-80s onwards. The map is accompanied by an audio-guide on podcast.
The chosen approach privileges more recent works by offering an un-to-date visit to a city which has been building a lot in the last 20 years and thus changed its looks.
The map is divided into quadrants identifying Torino and the neighboring Municipalities, in order to allow an easy positioning starting from the center outwards to the first belt of the metropolitan area: Chieri, Moncalieri, Collegno, Grugliasco, Venaria, San Mauro Torinese. A further support for consulting the map is represented by the organization of spaces and architectures according to the prevailing functions they are hosting: housing, offices and commerce, culture, public space and services, education.
The architectures have been selected in collaboration with the Order of Architects of Torino, the Foundation for architecture/Torino and IN/Arch Piemonte. For several years, these institutions have been awarding the quality architectural production in the Torino area: for this reason, the “architetture rivelate / revealed architectures” – a prize awarded by the Order of Architects – are among the selected works, as well as the IN/Architettura 2020 prizes. But the project is to be continued.
The visitor can learn more about the story and characteristics of the architectures by means of the podcasts available on the Contemporary Turin channel on Loquis, the first Local Audio Italian platform, easily accessible from the QR code printed on the map. The audio guides, realized by Comunicarch, are available in Italian and English.
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