vacant buildings

Capacity building wsebinar


19apr 2021


on line event

Several cities in Europe have vacant buildings in their historic centers as well as numerous neighborhoods in need of refurbishment. Such areas ofter represent the history and identity of a city, they need therefore to be preserved and brought back to life.
How can municipalities face such challenges? Many aspects need to be considered, just to mention a few: ownership of the buildings, identifying potential investors, the possibility to integrate alternative approaches such as temporary uses and social housing.
After over two years of exchange on these topics, the seven partners of the ALT/BAU Alternative Building Activation Units project share their solutions, methods and recommendations in a public capacity building webinar.
Speakers: City of Chemnitz, City of Constanta, City of Riga, ERIGES Seraing, City of Vilafranca del Penedès, Torino Urban Lab

in the context of

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urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

orari di apertura

dal mercoledì al venerdì dalle 14 alle 19
sabato dalle 11 alle 19

ingresso libero

L’ingresso è libero alle mostre e agli eventi

come raggiungere urban lab

Tram: 4
Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50



urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

opening hours

from Wednesday to Friday from 2pm to 7pm Saturday from 11am to 7pm

free entry

Access is free for all exhibitions and events

come to urban lab

Tramway: 4 Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50
