
Knowledge Week

The final online event of the ROCK EU funded project 

27oct 2020
30oct 2020


free access
online event


From 27 to 30 October the ROCK Open Knowledge Week takes place as final event of the ROCK EU project funded by the Horizon2020 program. Urban Lab, together with the City of Torino, has been part of the project since 2017.

During more than 20 online sessions with over 50 speakers, it is possible to learn more on innovative solutions developed by the project to make cultural heritage the driving force of sustainable urban regeneration. In particular, Urban Lab contributes to the “Cultural Heritage and Sustainability” session coordinated by the Institute of Social Sciences of Lisbon, on Friday 30 October at 11 o’clock.

The ROCK Open Knowledge Week tells, through the protagonists’ voices, the stories of change of the 10 ROCK cities – Athens, Bologna Cluj-Napoca, Eindhoven, Lisbon, Liverpool, Lyon, Skopje, Torino and Vilnius – and offers the opportunity to network in the virtual “ROCKnRoll” sessions.

The participation in the ROCK Open Knowledge Week is free. All the sessions are in English, with translation in the international sign language.

For the whole program and registration to the event click here.

Organized by


urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

orari di apertura

dal mercoledì al venerdì dalle 14 alle 19
sabato dalle 11 alle 19

ingresso libero

L’ingresso è libero alle mostre e agli eventi

come raggiungere urban lab

Tram: 4
Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50



urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

opening hours

from Wednesday to Friday from 2pm to 7pm Saturday from 11am to 7pm

free entry

Access is free for all exhibitions and events

come to urban lab

Tramway: 4 Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50
