
Who are the youth
of Torino?

a meeting to talk about the youth (15-29) and their relation with the city

02dec 2019


free entrance
piazza palazzo 
di città 8F
at 10.00 am

Urban Lab has proposed a debate on the youth in Torino through the analysis of the findings of the research on Youth unease in suburbs promoted by Torino’s Archdiocese, curated by Mauro Zangola.
The research analyses Torino’s resident population aged between 15 and 29, i.e. what scholars and researchers define as young people in their working age. Starting from the job market, described through data and significant – sometimes even critical – indicators, the debate tries to reconstruct some of the distinctive features and geographical distribution of the youth in Torino.

The operators attending the meeting complete this analysis by sharing their stories and experiences of integration, involvement and self-organization in the context of Torino, while calling on institutions, policy and decision-makers to respond to their questions.

the debate

Introduced and moderate by
Urban Lab

youth unease in suburbs

Mauro Zangola

round table with local operators

Father Domenico Ricca

Chaplain at the Youth Detention Centre “Ferrante Aporti”

Lorenzo Marino

Alter Polis / Politecnico di Torino

Tommaso Pozzato

Balon Mundial

Tecla Zaia

AlloggiaMI MIrafiori

Andrea Vallone

Co-City / corso Taranto – Associazione Unicorno

reactions by institutions

Cesare Nosiglia

Archbishop of Torino

Sonia Schellino

Deputy Mayor of the City of Torino

Marco Giusta

for Youth Policies of the City of Torino

Marzia Sica

Social Policy Manager at Compagnia di San Paolo

Cristina Giovando

President of Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita (Foundation for Development and Growth)

a project by


urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

orari di apertura

dal mercoledì al venerdì dalle 14 alle 19
sabato dalle 11 alle 19

ingresso libero

L’ingresso è libero alle mostre e agli eventi

come raggiungere urban lab

Tram: 4
Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50



urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

opening hours

from Wednesday to Friday from 2pm to 7pm Saturday from 11am to 7pm

free entry

Access is free for all exhibitions and events

come to urban lab

Tramway: 4 Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50
