the centre for architecture and urbanism in Lille

24mar 2022


On 24 March 2022, Urban Lab and WAAO, the centre for architecture and urbanism in Lille, signed a Collaboration Agreement committing the two organisations to work together over the next two years to exchange best practices, experiences and expertise, organise joint initiatives and train staff.

The theme of collaboration and exchange has been identified as “Nature in the City”, the focus of the cultural activities 2022 programme of both organisations, which work on the development of meetings, itineraries, exhibitions and many other initiatives to deepen the analysis and enrich the documentation of the relationship between nature and the city at different scales and through different skills.

Together with the signing of the collaboration agreement, WAAO’s visit was an opportunity to start exploring shared work themes and to illustrate some of the most emblematic cases in Turin from the point of view of the relationship between nature and the city, such as Beeozanam, PAV- Parco Arte Vivente, Spazio WOW, Orti Generali.

The collaboration between Urban Lab and WAAO marks a further strengthening of the bond between Turin and Lille that has existed since 1958, when the two cities signed the “Ring of Twinned Cities” twinning agreement together with Liège, Rotterdam, Esch-sur-Alzette and Cologne, representing the six founding countries of what is now the European Union.


urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

orari di apertura

dal mercoledì al venerdì dalle 14 alle 19
sabato dalle 11 alle 19

ingresso libero

L’ingresso è libero alle mostre e agli eventi

come raggiungere urban lab

Tram: 4
Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50



urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

opening hours

from Wednesday to Friday from 2pm to 7pm Saturday from 11am to 7pm

free entry

Access is free for all exhibitions and events

come to urban lab

Tramway: 4 Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50
