CLIMABOROUGH aims to test innovative approaches (including ClimHub, Climate Sandbox, Climate Services) for urban planning in 14 EU cities, to lead them towards the green and digital transition in order to reach climate neutrality by 2050. The project wants to enhance urban and spatial planning approaches through data and knowledge based decision making (including a possible new role for GIS – Geographic Information Systems) and using innovative public procurement.
The experimentations focus on 4 specific sectors: energy, transport, waste, circular economy. The two ClimHubs involving the partner cities (8 leaders, 4 followers, 2 observers) will test new services and technologies able to reach the following goals: “from waste to circularity” and “from isolated energy and mobility systems to integrated services”.
Urban Lab, together with Energy Cities, plays the role of city angel, a proper operational tool to enable the transfer and adaptation of experiences and good practices from leader cities to followers. The city angels mentoring is particularly oriented to support follower cities in creating those enabling conditions (planning, social engagement, co-design, etc.) allowing a veritable replicability of innovations.
The project is consistent with the EU Mission 100 Climate neutral and smart cities by 2030 promoted by the European Commission and involving 6 of the CLIMABOROUGH leader cities, including Torino.
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