Food Atlas

meetings Food Atlas Know and promote the Torino food system ————— web site link reports city agencies 2018 2017 In 2017, a research team within the University and Polytechnic of Torino published the first Food Atlas of Metropolitan Torino with the aim of investigating the metropolitan food system of Torino. Thanks to that experience, the […]

Urban Centers Network

network Urban Centers Network European Agencies Network for citizenship, inclusion involvement and empowerment of communities through the urban transformation process
 EUROPEAN PROJECT ————— network pdf video city agencies website link For several years Urban Lab has been promoting the networking, dialogue and exchange among organizations dealing with public policies at various levels. In Italy the […]


European Agencies Network for citizenship, inclusion involvement and empowerment of communities through the urban transformation process


exhibition Past A tale of the city ————— piazza palazzodi città 8F free entryfrom Wednesdayto Friday2pm – 7pmSaturday11am – 7pm VISITUL visit on line VIDEO visit How did the city become the one we live in today? One of the many, different histories of the city is here described on a timeline that covers its […]


mostre Now Geographies of Torino ————— piazza palazzodi città 8F free entryfrom Wednesdayto Friday2pm – 7pmSaturday11am – 7pm VISITUL visit on line VIDEO visit A belvedere to look out upon the city. The view is unusual and the traditional observation point, typical of maps, is twisted, in order to try and observe the city together, […]


mostre Soon Work in progress ————— piazza palazzodi città 8F free entryfrom Wednesdayto Friday2pm – 7pmSaturday11am – 7pm VISITUL visit on line VIDEO visit the exhibition The city of tomorrow is described through constantly changing and evolving voices and images that guide us through Torino and its metropolitan area’s actual projects and policies, from physical […]

Metropolitan Geographies

maps Metropolitan Geographies Understanding the territory through data, maps and archive sources ————— platform Link video tutorial Metropolitan Geographies is a platform describing the Torino urban and metropolitan area by connecting the physical and socioeconomic dimensions. Through a series of maps and visualizations the urban phenomena are “georeferenced” meaning that, by means of a map, […]


meetings Exchange with Clérmont Ferrand A new international collaboration to tackle the challenges of urban sustainable development ————— ONLINE In these last years, Urban Lab has been promoting the dialogue among city agencies, in Italy through the urban centers network, at international level through the European network of city agencies starting from the EUCANET project. […]

ROCK Open Knowledge Week

meetings ROCK OpenKnowledge Week The final online event of the ROCK EU funded project  ————— free accessonline event website link From 27 to 30 October the ROCK Open Knowledge Week takes place as final event of the ROCK EU project funded by the Horizon2020 program. Urban Lab, together with the City of Torino, has been […]

Urban Lab renovates its premises

exhibitions Urban Labrenovates its premises A new installation to tell the city that is changing in a smarter, broader and more accessible way. ————— free entrypiazza palazzodi città 8Ffrom Wednesdayto Friday2pm – 7pmSaturday11am – 7pm Urban Lab is working to renovate its headquarters in piazza Palazzo di Città. The new opening will be in October […]


urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

orari di apertura

dal mercoledì al venerdì dalle 14 alle 19
sabato dalle 11 alle 19

ingresso libero

L’ingresso è libero alle mostre e agli eventi

come raggiungere urban lab

Tram: 4
Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57





urban lab

piazza palazzo di città
10122 torino

opening hours

from Wednesday to Friday from 2pm to 7pm Saturday from 11am to 7pm

free entry

Access is free for all exhibitions and events

come to urban lab

Tramway: 4 Autobus: 11, 19, 27, 51, 57


+39 011 553 79 50
